Sunday, March 14, 2010

Healthy Habits and Zipp Sponsorship

I am thrilled to announce that Healthy Habits and Zipp Speed Weaponry have agreed to continue helping me on this journey for 2010. Both Zipp and Healthy Habits have increased their level of support this year. I'm excited to pick up my new Zipp wheels with tires freshly glued on later this week. I don't want to spoil any of the surprises of what I'll be racing on this year but it has me pretty darn excited about the bike. Zipp Speed Weaponry specializes in making the best bike wheels and components on the planet. If you don't believe me check out the wheels that people are riding at the Ironman World Championships in Kona every year. Last year over 70% of the entire field was counting on Zipp to help them stop the clock faster. No other gear of any sort saw that kind of market domination in Kona. Zipp is simply the fastest out there. I am thrilled to have them supporting me again. Healthy Habits is a premier bike shop in the Quad Cities. It is where I purchased my first bike ever back in 1998 and I've been a customer since. I bought my Orbea Ordu and they have taken great care to make sure my training and racing bikes are in perfect conditions for training and racing. If you have any bike questions or needs stop in and see the guys there. Their mechanics are tremendous at explaining what things are wrong and teaching riders what they can do to avoid problems.

Week 17 was a solid week of training. I was mostly hoping to get over the pneumonia and get a decent build week in while preparing for a huge week this week since I'm officially on spring break. For the week totals I trained 23 hours. I ran 50 miles, biked 145, and swam 12,000 yards. I lifted weights 3 times, did speed drills and strides four times, plyometrics and lunges twice, and core work 5 times. I got my longest run so far in today with an hour and 45 minutes. I'm now just 15 minutes away from the long run goal I set to hit by the end of May. My best workout of the week was no doubt on Friday. I ran a 3.5 mile warm up and then did 4x 1 mile with 2 minutes rest between each. The weather was perfect for running fast and I went 5:16, 5:12, 5:08, and 4:57. I have never run mile repeats on 2 minute rest intervals near that fast. My target time was 5:20-5:30 so I was really excited about it. I also have begun doing 2-3 hard bike interval workouts each week now that I'm in phase two of training. It was great to get outside and ride this week and I look forward to doing more riding outdoors over break as the temps are supposed to mostly be in the 50's all week. I'm looking forward to beginning races next month. I'm feeling very only worry being some achilles soreness lingering...but as I type I have my leg in a bucket of ice water making that go away! Thanks for reading...DREAM BIG!

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