Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 19 Summary

It's hard for me to believe it's been 19 weeks of training already.  I started training later in the year than I ever have (December 26th) and thought it would be mid-summer before I rounded into great shape but I was wrong.  I felt I was in great shape after 8 weeks and it's continued to get better.  This past week wasn't anything big to report on.  My left hamstring was really tight from running the 1/2 marathon.  I never felt like I was going to the well during the race but I think sitting for 3 hours on the car ride home hindered my recovery a bit.  I was unable to run on Monday still after taking Sunday off of running so I made and appointment to see Dr. Lake at Kaminski Pain and Performance Care
That helped tremendously and I was running on Tuesday.  I did continue to take the week easy running only 3 times and having my lowest mileage of running in a week since I began training this year.  I decided it would be best to get a bigger cycling week and make sure I let my running legs recover so I can put in some good training before the race schedule gets really busy in a couple weeks.  I biked 240 miles for the week and had a solid swim week with 16,300 yards.  I've been feeling really good in the water again after taking a week off swimming a few weeks ago.  I had my first open water swim of the year on Thursday in my new Xterra Vendetta wetsuit.  I love it.  I swim so high on the water in that suit.  If you are looking for a wetsuit for 2012 and you follow this blog you can e-mail me for a 60% off discount code.  The water was perfect for my liking at 62 degrees.  I also had my longest bike ride this year on Saturday as I went 70 miles.  I decided not to do as many 100 mile rides this year and I'll probably wait until school is out before doing my first one.  I don't believe there is anything magical about 100 miles and with two kids I have to manage my time wisely and a 100 mile ride takes a good chunk of the day.  I'm not doing an Ironman until Septmeber or November depending on how races are going.  Next weekend I'll be racing a small Olympic Distance triathlon in Boone, IA.  I'm traveling to the race with some friends so I'm excited about that.  Then I'll have a week off of racing before things get super busy starting with the Pigman Sprint on June 3rd.  The following weekend I'll be racing my first pro event of 2012 with Ironman Kansas 70.3 and then 6 days later I'll be doing my 3rd race in 3 weeks with the hometown QC Triathlon.  I know it will be tough to get a lot of quality training or much volume for a couple weeks between those races when I'll mostly focus on getting recovered after each one.  Following the QC Triathlon I plan to take 2 or 3 days off and then get geared up for 1 big race every month for the next 4 months.  I have only had 1 day off in my first 19 weeks of training so I'll be overdue for a short break to let my body adapt to some of this training and early season racing.  Thanks for reading!  DREAM BIG!!

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