Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 21 Training Summary...Long Workout Nutrition

Not a lot of great news to report on this week. I'm still hurting in the achilles tendon after bike rides and it hurts too much to attempt running. I have 3 doctor's appointments scheduled for next week and an MRI on Tuesday. I'm working with Doctor Kaminski from Kaminski Pain and Performance Care to see if this is something that can heal without surgery. If it isn't better in a week when I meet with the surgeon I may go ahead with surgery on it. Since biking is only about a 1 on the pain scale I've done lots of it lately. This week was less than last but still 235 miles over 6 days of riding including 3 high intensity interval workouts. I went 82 miles on Saturday morning and it was awesome! The first 60 I rode easy and the last 22 I did at Ironman effort. My average speed for the entire ride was 20.8 mph. The wind wasn't super out of control like last week but it is still spring in Iowa and it wore me down a bit. I am trying to get my long rides done this year without stopping to refuel. Last year on a long ride I would stop at 2-3 gas stations and refill on gatorade, eat 2 pieces of pizza, big chocolate chip cookies, a candy bar, and normally some candy for the road...sometimes even a coke. I kind of realized that it would slow my Ironman time down quite a bit if I needed to stop at a gas station on the course to buy pizza and cookies. I'm working on a nutrition plan that I know is one of the most important aspects to an Ironman race. I relied on GU Energy this weekend and will continue to do so. I went with GU Recovery Brew mixed with GU Electrolyte brew. The GU Recovery Brew has 52 grams of carbohydrate in a serving to go along with 8 grams of protein. The Strawberry Watlermelon flavor is delicious so that makes it easy to get the calories in. I wanted to drink it faster because it tasted so good so I made a reward game out of the ride in which I would get to take a drink every 10 miles after the initial 20. I wanted a drink that had a little protein in it on the long workouts to help repair broken down muscle. The GU Recovery Brew has that. In addition to that drink I had a separate bottle of GU Electrolyte Brew that has extra sodium and an additonal 34 grams of carb. I also used 2 GU Energy Roctane gels which are the best ultra endurance gels on the market because they include amino acids that prevent lactic acid (the soreness you feel while working out) from setting in. Throw in about 10 GU Chomps (they taste like the best fruit snacks ever but also contain amino acids and carbs) and that was my 82 mile meal on the ride. I plan to stick with the GU Energy nutrition plan for my long workouts so when I race the Ironman in September I won't have any worries about nutrition negatively affecting my race. I have to give a special thanks to Brooke Kennedy and all the staff at GU Energy for helping make my training and racing possible. I'm super proud to have such an awesome company that I really believe in helping me on this journey. If you want to give any of the GU Energy products a test they carry the entire lineup at Healthy Habits bike shop in Bettendorf.
I had a good week of swimming with 14,300 yards and also made 3 trips to the weight room, 10 sessions of core work, and three times doing push-ups and lunges. My total training time this week was 21 hours. I'm staying positive through this achilles deal. It was hard to be patient a few weeks ago but I'm at peace with it now. I'm excited to get it taken care of so I can begin the comeback trail. As of now my schedule hasn't changed and I'm planning to race in 2 weeks on April 25th. Thanks for reading. DREAM BIG!


Barbie said...

I am so totally impressed by your positive outlook. It must be very hard when all you want to do is "just get out there" for your running. I wish you all the luck with your doctors appointments and hope you get well soon.

Jeff Paul said...

Thanks! I don't typically handle injuries well because it involves such a lifestyle change. Because I can bike and swim I'm keeping my sanity and playing the waiting game. Thanks for the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, I stumbled into your blog months ago after reading your race report for the Quad Cities Tri, and have been an avid reader ever since. I am making the trip up from AZ in June for QCT to try and qualify for the Sprint Tri World Championships to be held in Budapest this September. New to this sport and putting in nowhere near the volume of training that you are, I can't say that I have much experience with injuries of any sort. You seem like an "everything happens for a reason" kind of guy, obviously dedicated and working hard to achieve your dreams. My two cents (that maybe I could talk someone into paying one cent for), is that you are already such a PHENOMENAL runner --- maybe, just maybe, a great opportunity is presenting itself to really sharpen your swim skills? I have noticed from your comments that you are still not quite happy with your swim times when competing with the elite crowd of pro's like you do. Outside looks at your swim technique, and seemingly endless drills to improve on weak spots, are never really all that fun. But with this extra time that you might be looking at, without all of the regularly scheduled run volume, might this be the perfect opportunity to bring your swimming skills up and in line with your cycling and running? Just food for thought. I aim to follow your races this year, and I hope to bump into you in Quad Cities in June when I am visiting for the race! Good luck with the achilles issue and hope you are back to 100% soon. Best, Chris Duval

Jeff Paul said...

Thanks for reading Chris and for the post! You are definitely right about being able to focus my time on the other disciplines. I've chosen to spend more time on the bike as much as I need the swim help. I've found that whether I swim 10,000 yards a week or 20,000 my improvements are very small. In biking I improve quickly with more miles and even more with additional interval workouts so overall I think I can save more time by adding additional bike sessions. Best of luck to you this year and be sure to introduce yourself at QC. Eric Sarno puts on a fantastic race! DREAM BIG!